When I started in this industry, I remember being frustrated because I felt I was limited in creating options for women with fine and/or thinning hair. I would tell my clients if I could give you more hair I would! After years of research and trials, I truly believe that the methods I offer in my salon are unmatched in the hair loss industry. It has been very rewarding to be able to give women options in styling, and the hair they have always dreamed of. I will never stop learning and growing, I'm constantly taking new classes to stay updated and I give my clientele my heart and soul when it comes to my time and my craft.
I first knew I wanted to be a hairdresser when my older brother Vince took me to my first hair show. I was his hair model for the perm rod he was promoting. I still can’t get the image out of my head; the glitz and glamor that surrounded me at 15 years old had me wanting more. My brother saw the stars in my eyes and told me to walk around for a bit and explore. I will never forget his encouragement that I still hold close to me today.
At 19 I pursued my dream of attending beauty school. I went to Hayward Beauty School full time and I was determined to graduate; I was on welfare as a single mom with a 6 month old but had big dreams ahead of me.
Right out of school, I was hired in Union Square as an assistant at Henrick and Company. I worked there all of two weeks before the anxiety of being so far from my toddler got the best of me.
The turning point at the start of my career was when I went to the beauty supply on my day off in San Leandro where I lived. A very vibrant man named George kept talking about this wonderful happening area called Blackhawk in the town of Danville. He kept naming this specific salon that sounded like the most hip place to be. I felt bad for listening but I took the rest of the day to call, and then drive there in search of a stylist needing an assistant. My persistent efforts were rewarded when I was hired a week later as the assistant to the most knowledgeable stylist in the area when it came to extensions. His name is Dominic and he taught me all about Mega Hair Extensions at the ripe age of 22. We are still friends to this day.
When I was 24, my brother Vince passed away. I was heartbroken but was determined to pursue this gift of a career he introduced to me. I couldn’t believe that everything I knew growing up was gone, but I wanted his legacy to live on.
Over the years, I worked at a few well known salons in town but it wasn’t until I grew tired of living by everyone else's rules that I opened my own salon. I needed a place of my own to truly thrive and carry on my brother's legacy. I needed privacy for my beloved guests, control of the vibe; I needed something only I could provide.
One night, after signing the lease at my current location 10 years ago, I sat in the courtyard terrified because I was so afraid to fail.I poured my life savings into Celebration salon remodeling it. I have no regrets to this day!
Once I opened my shop, I knew I wasn’t just going to be a cut and color specialist. I was needed on a different level and its wasn’t just art anymore. Art as one word can’t even desire what I feel when someone is looking to you after almost dying and their confidence is in your hands. That's life. How do you describe that?
People look for someone who they can actually connect with when it comes to what they are going through. It's not about a sale it's about a relationship and I give my heart and soul to creating special ones under this roof.
I credit that man George who, 30 years later still hand delivers my color order every week to me. He is 87 years old and is still one of my biggest supporters.
I have a lot of great people in my corner that I have so much gratitude for. I wouldn't be here in my career if it weren't for those clients who graciously picked me up when my car would break down on my way into work (In the early years.) My family and friends have been so supportive of my dreams and my work schedule.
After 30 years, I'm just getting started. I can't wait to see how far this passion takes me.
XO Rhea